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The abstract affix 'naJ' is prefixed to imply negation, largely to nominals (usually adjectives). The abstract affix is transformed to the concrete affix 'a' or 'an', depending on whether the word has an initial consonant or vowel. A few exceptional words are also prefixed with 'na'.

  • naJ + AryajuSHTa ==> an-AryajuSHTa (an-AryajuSHTa = 'not+worthy of an honourable man') (see Stanza 2.2)
  • A few more examples are listed below:

  • naJ + niyata ==> a-niyata (a-niyata = 'not+definite') (see Stanza 1.44)
  • naJ + agha ==> an-agha (an-agha= 'not+sinful') (see Stanza 3.3)
  • The negative prefix 'a' is also attached to adverbs and indeclinables. For instance, in Stanza 2.5 we can see the 'a' prefix for the indeclinable gerund 'ahatvA' (a+hatvA = 'not having killed').