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The standard affixes may be applied in most other cases. However, care must be taken to handle the many exceptions listed in advanced grammar texts (for e.g., see [KALE1995] [1]). The default affixes for nominal base words are as follows (affixes starting with consonants are highlighted):

Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative (NOM) s O aHa
Accusative (ACC) am O aHa
Instrumental (INS) A bhyAm bhiHa
Dative (DAT) e bhyAm bhyaHa
Ablative (ABL) aHa bhyAm bhyaHa
Genitive (GEN) aHa oHa Am
Locative (LOC) i oHa su
Vocative (VOC) s O aHa

When an affix is attached to a nominal base word ending with a consonant, the normal rules of sandhi are applicable. This can be seen in the following examples, where the affix starts with a hard consonant (i.e. NOM-S, LOC-S), or a soft consonant (INS-D, INS-P, DAT-D, DAT-P, ABL-D, ABL-P):

  • ch-ending: A nominal base word ending in 'ch' will be changed to 'k' when the affix starts with 's' and changed to 'g' when the affix starts with 'bh'.
  • j-ending: A nominal base word ending in 'j' will be changed to 'k' (or 'T') when the affix starts with 's' and changed to 'g' (or 'D') when the affix starts with 'bh'.
  • r-ending: A nominal base word ending in 'r' will be changed to 'visarga' when the affix is 's'.
  • sh-ending: A nominal base word ending in 'sh' will be changed to 'k' (or 'T') when the affix is 's' and changed to 'g' (or 'D') when the affix starts with 'bh'.
  • SH-ending: A nominal base word ending in 'SH' will be changed to 'T' when the affix is 's' and changed to 'D' when the affix starts with 'bh'.
  • s-ending: A nominal base word ending in 's' will be changed to 'visarga' when the affix starts with a consonant.
  • h-ending: A nominal base word ending in 'h' will be changed to 'k' (or 'T') when the affix is 's' and changed to 'g' (or 'D') when the affix starts with 'bh'.
  • default: for most other consonants, the 's' affix of the NOM-S declension affix 's' is dropped.
Base word NOM-S INS-D LOC-P
vAch vAk vAgbhyAm vakSHu
rAj rAT rADbhyAm rATsu
dvAr dvAHa dvArbhyAm dvArSHu
yashas yashaHa yashobhyAm yashaHasu
dish dik digbhyAm dikSHu
prAvRuSH prAvRuT prAvRuDbhyAm prAvRuTsu
snih snik/ sniT snigbhyAm/ sniDbhyAm snikSHu/ sniTsu
kamal kamal kamalbhyAm kamalSHu

The following is a complete declension table for a word ending in 'l' ('kamal:lotus'):

Masculine base word: kamal (lotus)

Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative (NOM) kamal kamalO kamalaHa
Accusative (ACC) kamalam kamalO kamalaHa
Instrumental (INS) kamalA kamalbhyAm kamalbhiHa
Dative (DAT) kamale kamalbhyAm kamalbhyaHa
Ablative (ABL) kamalaHa kamalbhyAm kamalbhyaHa
Genitive (GEN) kamalaHa kamaloHa kamalAm
Locative (LOC) kamali kamaloHa kamalSHu
Vocative (VOC) kamal kamalO kamalaHa

Neuter base word: kamal (lotus)

Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative (NOM) kamal kamalI kamAli
Accusative (ACC) kamal kamalI kamAli
Instrumental (INS) kamalA kamalbhyAm kamalbhiHa
Dative (DAT) kamale kamalbhyAm kamalbhyaHa
Ablative (ABL) kamalaHa kamalbhyAm kamalbhyaHa
Genitive (GEN) kamalaHa kamaloHa kamalAm
Locative (LOC) kamali kamaloHa kamalsu
Vocative (VOC) kamal kamalI kamAli


  1. [Kale1995] Kale M.. A Higher Sanskrit Grammar. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers; 1995.