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Sandhi Sutras in Chapter 4

In the following table we present all the major Paninian sandhi sutras that are applicable to the stanzas in this chapter of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. The workings of some Paninian sandhi sutras are somewhat difficult to visualize. Hence we have tried to illustrate the operations of these sutras, to show the student real examples of the application of each sutra to one or more stanzas. Illustrations of each sutra can be seen by clicking a sutra link below, which will take one to a page where illustrations are provided of the manner in which the sutra transforms its input.

The following major sandhi rules were processed in this Chapter:

Rule Stanza Example
6.1.77-iko yaNNachi 4.3 hyetaduttamam
6.1.78-echo'yavAyAvaHa 4.12 yajanta iha
6.1.87-AdguNNaHa 4.2 rAjarSHayo v
6.1.88-vRuddhirechi 4.42 chhittvEnam
6.1.101-akaHa savarNNe dIrghaHa 4.25 dEvamevApare
6.1.109-eNaHa padAntAdati 4.6 ajo'pi
6.1.113-ato roraplutAdaplute 4.14 yo'bhijAnAti
6.1.114-hashi cha 4.10 bahavo j
6.1.132-etattado sulopo'koranaJsamAse hali 4.2 sa kAleneha
8.2.39 jhalAm jasho'nte 4.4 kathametadvijAnIyAm
8.2.66-sasajuSHo ruHa 4.7 glAnirbhavati
8.3.4-anunAsikAt paro'nusvAraHa 4.11 tANstathEva
8.3.7 nashchhavyaprashAn 4.11 tANstathEva
8.3.15-kharavasAnayo visarjanIyaHa 4.12 kANkSHantaHa k
8.3.17-bho bhago acho apUrvasya yo'shi 4.32 bahuvidhA ya
8.3.23-mo'nusvAraHa 4.4 kathametadvijAnIyAM t
8.3.32 Namo hRusvAdachi NamuNN nityam 4.6 sannavyayAtmA
8.3.34-visarjanIyasya saHa 4.28 yogayajnyAstathApare
8.4.40-stoHa shchunA shchuHa 4.17 akarmaNNashcha
8.4.56-vA'vasAne 4.1 abravIt
8.4.60-torli 4.39 shraddhAvANllabhate

Some of the other rules that are included in rule chains include:

1.1.11-IdUdeddvichanam pragRuhyam
1.3.2-upadeshe'janunAsika it
8.3.19-lopaHa shAkalyasya
8.3.22-hali sarveSHAm