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Sandhi Statistics

Presented below are the results of an automated sandhi analysis of Chapter 6 of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. All the sandhi sutras applicable to Chapter 6, as well as one example of each sutra, are listed on the next page.

As discussed in the Sandhi Statistics of Chapter 1, a grammatical analysis of a Sanskrit sentence or stanza must analyze every word in a sentence, as Paninian sandhi sutras transform (or choose not to transform) underlying terms (declensions, conjugations, and indeclinables) into 'single words' as well as 'combination words'. Hence, we use the broader term 'sandhi analysis' instead of 'sandhi splitting'.

# Description INPUT OUTPUT
A Combination words (two or more terms) 126 290 290 49.7 1
B Changed single-word terms 120 120 120 20.5
C Unchanged Vocatives / Special terms 64 64 64 11.0
D Unchanged non-special single-word terms 110 110 110 18.8
TOTAL 420 584 584 100.0 1
Errors 0% 0.2%

The Columns labelled 'False Negative' and 'False Positive' are explained in the Sandhi Statistics of Chapter 1.

As will be noted from the above table, there was only one False Positive in the 'sandhi analysis' (False Positives <1%).


In Stanza 6.20, the sandhi analyzer incorrectly assumed that the 6.1.101-akaHa savarNNe dIrghaHa sutra was applicable instead of the 8.3.32 Namo hRusvAdachi NamuNN nityam sutra. This error was due to inherent syntactic ambiguity, and cannot be detected other than through an expert semantic analysis of the stanza.

The following is a summary of the False Negatives and False Positives discussed in the table above.

Stanza False Negatives False Positives
6.20 na