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The Benedictive ('precative') transformation is known as आशीर्लिङ् in the Ashtadhyayi [1]. It is closely related to the Potential (simple 'optative') but is usually formed from the Aorist stem (the Aorist form is less commonly found in Classical Sanskrit texts). One example of the Benedictive, from Chapter two of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, is listed at the bottom of this page.

Parasmaipada Atmanepada
Person Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
First (I) yAsam yAsva yAsma First (I) sIya sIvahi sImahi
Second (II) tAsi yAstam yAsta Second (II) sISHThAs sIyAsthAm sIdhvam
Third (III) yAt yAstAm yAsus Third (III) sISHTha sIyAstAm sIran


Parasmaipada chi (5:P:to gather) Atmanepada chi (5:A:to gather)
Person Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
First (I) chIyAsam chIyAsva chIyAsma First (I) cheSHIya cheSHIvahi cheSHImahi
Second (II) chIyAs chIyAstam chIyAsta Second (II) cheSHISHTAs cheSHIyAsthAm cheSHIDHvam
Third (III) chIyAt chIyAstAm chIyAsu Third (III) cheSHISHTa cheSHIyAstAm cheSHIran

We can see an example from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita in Stanza 2.8 ('apanudyAt' - apa-nud:6:P:may it remove).


  1. [jrb1995] Ballantyne J.. Laghu Kaumudi of Varadaraja: A Sanskrit grammar. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers:New Delhi; 1995.