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Stanza 2.70


Printed: ApUryamANNamachalapratiSHThaM samudramApaHa pravishanti yadvat , tadvatkAmA yaM pravishanti sarve sa shAntimApnoti na kAmakAmI .

ApUryamANNamachalapratiSHThaM s ... [8.3.23] mo'nusvAraHa
yadvat ... [8.4.56, 8.2.39] vA'vasAne
yaM p ... [8.3.23] mo'nusvAraHa
samudramApaHa p ... [8.3.15, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] kharavasAnayo visarjanIyaHa
tadvatkAmA ... [8.3.17, 8.3.22, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] bho bhago agho apUrvasya yo'shi
sa shAntimApnoti ... [6.1.132] etattado sulopo'koranaJsamAse hali
ApUryamANNamachalapratiSHTham ... [6.1.72] saNhitAyAm
samudramApaHa ... [6.1.72] saNhitAyAm
tadvatkAmAHa ... [6.1.72] saNhitAyAm
shAntimApnoti ... [6.1.72] saNhitAyAm
saHa shAntim ... [8.3.36, 8.3.15, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] vA shari
ApaHa p ... [8.3.15, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] kharavasAnayo visarjanIyaHa
saHa sh ... [8.3.15, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] kharavasAnayo visarjanIyaHa

Underlying: ApUryamANNam achalapratiSHTham samudram Apas pravishanti yadvat , tadvat kAmAs yam pravishanti sarve sas shAntim Apnoti na kAmakAmI .


  • Note the object-relative clause in A.2.
  • Note that in clause A.3, the output of the parser can be read as: 'He, not [the one who is] a desirer of objects, attains peace'. Such a reading must treat the negation term 'na' as negating the nominal term 'kAmakAmI', rather than the verb 'Apnoti:attains' (this is unremarkable as it is usually the case that the negation particle precedes the verb in the case of negation of verbs). [MM2015][1] splits this clause into two clauses, with an additional clause A.4 which has two elided terms, i.e. the elided object term 'ACC-S:shAntim:peace' and the elided verb 'Apnoti:VerPresent:attains'. The [MM2015] reading would be: 'He attains peace. The one who desires objects does not [attain] [peace]'. This would require a semantic understanding that is beyond the capabilities of a syntactic parser.

A: ApUryamANNam achalapratiSHTham samudram ApaHa pravishanti yadvat tadvat kAmAHa yam pravishanti sarve saHa shAntim Apnoti na kAmakAmI


  • ApUryamANNam:ACC-S:ApUryamANNa:Masc.:Adj:present_participle_shAnach_6P_A-pRi:Link_subj_samudram
  • achalapratiSHTham:ACC-S:na-chhala-pratiSHThA (achalapratiSHTha) :Masc.:Adj:past_participle_passive_kta_1P_prati-sthA:Link_subj_samudram
  • samudram:ACC-S:samudra:Masc.:Noun
  • ApaHa:NOM-P:ap:Fem.:Noun
  • pravishanti:III-P:pra-vish:6:P:VerbPresent
  • yadvat:Indeclinable
  • A.2:

  • tadvat:Indeclinable
  • kAmAHa:NOM-P:kAma:Masc.:Noun
  • yam:ACC-S:yad:Masc.:Pronoun
  • pravishanti:III-P:pra-vish:6:P:VerbPresent
  • sarve:NOM-P:sarva:Masc.:Pronoun
  • A.3:

  • saHa:NOM-S:tad:Masc.:Pronoun
  • shAntim:ACC-S:shAnti:Fem.:Noun
  • Apnoti:III-S:Ap:5:P:VerbPresent
  • na:Indeclinable
  • kAmakAmI:NOM-S:kAmakAmin:Masc.:Adj

  • References