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Stanza 2.72


Printed: eSHA brAhmI sthitiHa pArtha nEnAM prApya vimuhyati , sthitvA'syAmantakAle'pi brahmanirvANNamRuchchhati .

nEnAM p ... [8.3.23] mo'nusvAraHa
sthitiHa p ... [8.3.15, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] kharavasAnayo visarjanIyaHa
nEnAm ... [6.1.88, 1.1.1] vRuddhirechi
asyAmantakAle ... [6.1.72] saNhitAyAm
brahmanirvANNamRuchchhati ... [6.1.72] saNhitAyAm

Underlying: eSHA brAhmI sthitis pArtha na enAm prApya vimuhyati , sthitvA asyAm antakAle api brahmanirvANNam Ruchchhati .


  • This is a very complex stanza to parse, as it requires a semantic understanding to infer the elided Subjects of clauses A.2 and A.4. This is well beyond the capabilities of a syntactic parser.
  • The parser did not create the separate clause A.5 for 'eSHA brAhmI sthithiHa' with an elided copula verb, as this phrase appeared to be the Subject of clause A.2 (having the expected Person and Number for the verb 'vimuhyati' i.e. III-S). The creation of clause A.5 would require a semantic understanding of the context, which is beyond the capabilities of a syntactic parser.
  • Notice the elided subject in clauses A.2 and A.4. It would require a semantic understanding of the context for the parser to figure out that it refers to the indeterminate 'the one' in both cases. This is beyond the capabilities of a syntactic parser.

A: eSHA brAhmI sthitiHa pArtha na enAm prApya vimuhyati sthitvA asyAm antakAle api brahmanirvANNam Ruchchhati


  • pArtha:VOC-S:pArtha:Masc.:Noun
  • enAm:ACC-S:idam:Fem.:Pronoun
  • prApya:-:pra-Ap:5:P:VerbGerund
  • A.2:

  • eSHA:NOM-S:etad:Fem.:Pronoun
  • brAhmI:NOM-S:brAhmI:Fem.:Adj
  • sthitiHa:NOM-S:sthiti:Fem.:Noun
  • na:Indeclinable
  • vimuhyati:III-S:vi-muh:4:P:VerbPresent
  • A.3:

  • sthitvA:-:sthA:1:P:VerbGerund
  • asyAm:LOC-S:idam:Fem.:Pronoun
  • antakAle:LOC-S:antakAla:Masc.:Noun
  • api:Indeclinable
  • A.4:

  • brahmanirvANNam:ACC-S:brahmanirvANNa:Neut.:Noun
  • Ruchchhati:III-S:Ru:1:P:VerbPresent