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Class 1

Class 1 is known as the 'bhvAdi' ( भ्वादि ) in the Ashtadhyayi. It includes the vast majority of verb roots, and the exemplar verb root is 'bhU' (to be/ become).

Step 1: Strengthen the radical vowel of the verb root (the final vowel or the medial vowel) are strengthened using 'guNNa' ( गुण ). NOTE: Do not apply 'guNNa' to long medial vowels (e.g. 'mIl') or a vowel followed by a compound consonant (e.g. 'shikSH').

Step 2: The vowel 'a' is appended ('shap'), forming the verbal base.

Examples of the derivation of the Third Person-Singular Present Verb (Parasmaipada) conjugation are shown in the following table:

Verb Root Step 1:apply guNNa Step 2: affix 'a' ('shap') Verbal Base III-Singular Present (Par.)
bhU (to be) bho bhava bhava bhavati
pat (to fall) pat pata pata patati
budh (to know) bodh bodha bodha bodhati
nI (to lead) ne naya naya nayati
mIl (to close) mIl mIla mIla mIlati
shikSH (to learn) shikSH shikSHa shikSHa shikSHati
dRush (to see) ** pashya pashya pashyati

NOTE: ** There are some notable examples (such as 'dRush' which forms the verbal base 'pashya').
