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Class 3

Class 3 is known as जुहोत्यादि in the Ashtadhyayi. This class is a reduplicative class with many irregular forms. The exemplar verb root is 'hu:to sacrifice'.

The verbal base is formed by reduplication of the verb root. Following that, in Strong forms, the radical vowel (final vowel or medial vowel) then takes 'guNNa'. Note that special rules may apply for vowel-initial terminations and consonant-initial terminations.

The first syllable (the reduplicative syllable) of the verb is prefixed to the verb root to form the reduplicated base (for e.g., 'pat' becomes 'papat'). However, a number of special cases must be handled.

  • In the case of compound initial consonants, the first consonant alone is used in reduplication (for e.g., 'kSHip' becomes 'kikSHip').
  • However, when the compound initial consonants start with a sibilant ('shar') followed by a hard consonant ('khar'), the sibilant alone is used in reduplication (for e.g., 'stu' is treated as 'tu+stu' and hence becomes 'tuSHTu' by sandhi rules).
  • In the case of aspirated consonants, the unaspirated consonant is reduplicated (for e.g., 'bhid' becomes 'bibhid').
  • Guttural consonants (for e.g., 'h') are changed to palatal (for e.g., 'hu' is reduplicated to 'juhu', while 'ki' is reduplicated to 'chiki').
  • Long radical vowels in the reduplicative syllable are shortened in reduplication (for e.g., 'nI' becomes 'ninI', 'pRi' becomes 'pipRi').
  • The radical vowels 'Ru' and 'Ri' in the reduplicative syllable become 'i' (for e.g., 'pRi' becomes 'pipRi', while 'pRu' becomes 'pipRu'). However, special rules may apply to the radical vowel 'Ru' in the reduplicative syllable sometimes to make it 'a' (for e.g., 'kRu' becomes 'chakRu').
  • Long medial vowels in the reduplicative syllable are shortened in reduplication (for e.g., 'sev' becomes 'siSHev').

Examples of the derivation of the Third Person-Singular and Plural Present Verb conjugations are shown in the following table:

Verb Root Step 1: apply reduplication Step 2: apply guNNa (Strong forms only) Verbal Base (Strong/ Weak) III-Singular Present III-Plural Present
hu (to sacrifice:Par.) juhu juho juho/ juhu juhoti juhvati
dA (to give:Par.) dadA dadA dadA/ dad dadAti dadati
mA (to measure:Atm.) mimI mimI mimI/ mim mimIte mimate
nij (to cleanse:Par.) nenij nenej nenej/ nenij nenekti nenijati
ki (to know:Par.) chiki chike chike/ chiki chiketi chikyati


  • The {2.4.75:juhotyAdibhyaHa shluHa} sutra says that the 'shap' augment should be replaced by 'shlu'.
  • The {6.1.10} sutra says that 'shlu' indicates the need for reduplication.