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Stanza 2.14


Printed: mAtrAsparshAstu kOnteya shItoSHNNasukhaduHakhadAHa , AgamApAyino'nityAstANstitikSHasva bhArata .

AgamApAyino'nityAstANstitikSHasva ... [6.1.113, 6.1.109, 6.1.87, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] ato roraplutAdaplute
mAtrAsparshAs ... [8.3.34, 8.3.15, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] visarjanIyasya saHa
anityAstANstitikSHasva ... [8.3.4, 8.3.34, 8.3.15, 1.3.2, 8.2.66, 8.3.7] anunAsikAt paro'nusvAraHa
anityAstANstitikSHasva ... [6.1.72] saNhitAyAm
anityAstANstitikSHasva ... [8.3.34, 8.3.15, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] visarjanIyasya saHa
anityAstANstitikSHasva ... [8.3.7] nashchhavya prashAn
anityAstANstitikSHasva ... [8.3.4] anunAsikAt paro'nusvAraHa
mAtrAsparshAHa t ... [8.3.15, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] kharavasAnayo visarjanIyaHa
anityAHa t ... [8.3.15, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] kharavasAnayo visarjanIyaHa

Underlying: mAtrAsparshAs tu kOnteya shItoSHNNasukhaduHakhadAs , AgamApAyinas anityAs tAn titikSHasva bhArata .


  • The parser inserts an elided 'copula verb' ('as:2P:to be:VerbPresent') in clause A.2.
  • The parser has split the sandhi AgamApAyino'nityAstANstitikSHasva correctly, resulting in the term NOM-P 'anityAs' ('not everlasting'). The same treatment of the term is seen in [MM2015] [1]. However, [KAL2015] [2] splits the sandhi differently and ends up with the term ACC-P 'anityAn'. This may be due to the assumption by [KAL2015] of the input to the sandhi decoding process as AgamApAyino'nityANstANstitikSHasva (i.e. note additional 'anusvAra' highlighted in the input), resulting in the application of the 8.3.7 and 8.3.4 sandhi sutras and the end result 'anityAn'. A few alternate sources have been checked for the correct stanza, and it appears that the input used by the parser may be correct. Hence, the assignment by the parser appears to be correct.
  • Note the Desiderative Imperative 'titikSHasva' in Clause A.1.
  • The Vocative term 'VOC-S:bhArata: descendant of Bharata' refers to Arjuna in this stanza (whereas Sanjaya used the title to refer to Dhrutarashtra in preceding stanzas). This knowledge is beyond the capabilities of our syntactic parser.

A: mAtrAsparshAHa tu kOnteya shItoSHNNasukhaduHakhadAHa santi AgamApAyinaHa anityAHa tAn titikSHasva bhArata


  • mAtrAsparshAHa:NOM-P:mAtrA-sparsha (mAtrAsparsha) :Masc.:Noun:samAsa_itaretara-dvandva
  • tu:Indeclinable
  • kOnteya:VOC-S:kOnteya:Masc.:Noun
  • shItoSHNNasukhaduHakhadAHa:NOM-P:shIta-uSHNNa-sukha-duHakha-dA (shItoSHNNasukhaduHakhada) :Masc.:Noun:samAsa_upapada
  • AgamApAyinaHa:NOM-P:Agama-apAyin (AgamApAyin) :Masc.:Noun:samAsa_itaretara-dvandva
  • anityAHa:NOM-P:anitya:Masc.:Adj
  • A.1:

  • tAn:ACC-P:tad:Masc.:Pronoun
  • titikSHasva:II-S:tij:1:A:VerbDesiderativeImperative
  • bhArata:VOC-S:bhArata:Masc.:Noun

  • References

    1. [mm2015] Michika M. Grammatical Analysis of the Bhagavad Gita Chapters 1 to 6. Arsha Avinash Foundation:Coimbatore; 2015.
    2. [kal2015] Kalavade L., Kalavade P.. Gitavyakaranam Panniniyapraveshaya. Chinmaya International Foundation:Unspecified; 2015.