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Stanza 2.26


Printed: atha chEnaM nityajAtaM nityaM vA manyase mRutam , tathApi tvaM mahAbAho nEvaM shochitumarhasi .

chEnaM n ... [8.3.23] mo'nusvAraHa
nityajAtaM n ... [8.3.23] mo'nusvAraHa
nityaM v ... [8.3.23] mo'nusvAraHa
tvaM m ... [8.3.23] mo'nusvAraHa
nEvaM sh ... [8.3.23] mo'nusvAraHa
chEnam ... [6.1.88, 1.1.1] vRuddhirechi
nEvam ... [6.1.88, 1.1.1] vRuddhirechi
shochitumarhasi ... [6.1.72] saNhitAyAm

Underlying: atha cha enam nityajAtam nityam vA manyase mRutam , tathApi tvam mahAbAho na evam shochitum arhasi .


  • In this stanza, there are some instances of ambiguity in semantic assignment that cannot be handled by a syntactic parser.
  • The Indeclinable 'tathApi' ('nevertheless') can be assigned to either clause A.1 ('and if nevertheless you believe in repeated birth and death ...') or A.2 ('nevertheless do not lament'). The parser attaches it to clause A.2, as does [MM2015] [1]. However, such ambiguous semantic assignments cannot be resolved by a syntactic parser.
  • The NOM-S pronoun 'tvam' ('you') can be assigned to either clause A.1 ('you believe ...') or A.3 ('you ought not to lament'), as both have verbs in the II-Person Singular. The parser assigns it to clause A.3, as does [MM2015].
  • The VOC-S 'mahAbAho' ('one with strong-arms' i.e. Dhrutarashtra) can be assigned to either clause A.1, A.2, or A.3. The parser assigns it to clause A.3, as does [MM2015].
  • Infinitives and Gerunds are treated as Indeclinables in grammatical analyses such as [MM2015] and [KK2015] [2]. However, the parser treats them as regular verbs, and shows them in separate clauses. This is not a parsing defect.
  • [KAL2015] treats the penultimate word in the input as 'nEnaM', whereas the parser and [MM2015] (and other commentators) treat the word as 'nEvaM'. After the sandhi process, this word is split into 'na enam' by [KAL2015], and into 'na evam' by [MM2015] and the parser. This may be an error in [KAL2015].

A: atha cha enam nityajAtam nityam vA manyase mRutam tathApi tvam mahAbAho na evam shochitum arhasi


  • atha:Indeclinable
  • cha:Indeclinable
  • enam:ACC-S:idam:Masc.:Pronoun
  • nityajAtam:ACC-S:nitya-jAta (nityajAta) :Masc.:Noun:past_participle_passive_kta_4A_jan:Link_subj_enam
  • nityam:ACC-S:nitya:Masc.:Adj
  • vA:Indeclinable
  • manyase:II-S:man:4:A:VerbPresent
  • mRutam:ACC-S:mRuta:Masc.:Noun:past_participle_passive_kta_6A_mRu:Link_subj_enam
  • A.2:

  • tathApi:Indeclinable
  • shochitum:-:shuch:1:P:VerbInfinitive
  • A.3:

  • tvam:NOM-S:yuSHmad:Masc.:Pronoun
  • mahAbAho:VOC-S:mahat-bAhu (mahAbAhu) :Masc.:Adj:samAsa_bahuvrIhi(GEN)
  • na:Indeclinable
  • evam:Indeclinable
  • arhasi:II-S:arh:1:P:VerbPresent

  • References

    1. [mm2015] Michika M. Grammatical Analysis of the Bhagavad Gita Chapters 1 to 6. Arsha Avinash Foundation:Coimbatore; 2015.
    2. [kal2015] Kalavade L., Kalavade P.. Gitavyakaranam Panniniyapraveshaya. Chinmaya International Foundation:Unspecified; 2015.