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Stanza 2.36


Printed: avAchyavAdANshcha bahUn vadiSHyanti tavAhitAHa , nindantastava sAmarthyaM tato duHakhataraM nu kim .

sAmarthyaM t ... [8.3.23] mo'nusvAraHa
duHakhataraM n ... [8.3.23] mo'nusvAraHa
nindantastava s ... [8.3.34, 8.3.15, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] visarjanIyasya saHa
tato d ... [6.1.114, 6.1.87, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] hashi cha
avAchyavAdANshcha ... [8.4.40, 8.3.4, 8.3.34, 8.3.15, 1.3.2, 8.2.66, 8.3.7] stoHa shchunA shchuHa
tavAhitAHa ... [6.1.101] akaHa savarNNe dIrghaHa
nindantaHa t ... [8.3.15, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] kharavasAnayo visarjanIyaHa

Underlying: avAchyavAdAn cha bahUn vadiSHyanti tava ahitAs , nindantas tava sAmarthyam tatas duHakhataram nu kim .


  • The parser inserts the elided copula verb ('as:2:P:to be') in clause A.2.
  • The parser treats 'duHakhataram' as a NOM-S term (as does [MM2015]) while [KAL2015] treats the term as 'ACC-S'. This is not a parsing defect, as Accusative terms are not found in a clause with the copula verb.
  • Note the ACC-S 'sAmarthyam' term in clause A.1. This term is the complement of the present participle 'nindantaHa', and does not conflict with the ACC-P direct object of the verb 'vadiSHyanti'.

A: avAchyavAdAn cha bahUn vadiSHyanti tava ahitAHa nindantaHa tava sAmarthyam tataHa duHakhataram nu kim asti


  • avAchyavAdAn:ACC-P:na-vAchya-vAda (avAchyavAda) :Masc.:Noun:potential_participle_passive_yat_1P_vach:Link_subj_bahUn
  • cha:Indeclinable
  • bahUn:ACC-P:bahu:Masc.:Adj
  • vadiSHyanti:III-P:vad:1:P:VerbFutureSimple
  • tava:GEN-S:yuSHmad:Masc.:Pronoun
  • ahitAHa:NOM-P:na-hita (ahita) :Masc.:Noun:samAsa_naJ
  • nindantaHa:NOM-P:nindat:Masc.:Adj:present_participle_shatRu_1P_nind:Link_subj_ahitAHa
  • tava:GEN-S:yuSHmad:Masc.:Pronoun
  • sAmarthyam:ACC-S:sAmarthya:Masc.:Noun:Link_gov_nindantaHa
  • A.2:

  • tataHa:Indeclinable
  • duHakhataram:NOM-S:duHakhatara:Neut.:Noun
  • nu:Indeclinable
  • kim:NOM-S:kim:Neut.:Pronoun