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Stanza 2.45


Printed: trEguNNyaviSHayA vedA nistrEguNNyo bhavArjuna , nirdvandvo nityasattvastho niryogakSHema AtmavAn .

trEguNNyaviSHayA ... [8.3.17, 8.3.22, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] bho bhago agho apUrvasya yo'shi
vedA ... [8.3.17, 8.3.22, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] bho bhago agho apUrvasya yo'shi
nistrEguNNyo bh ... [6.1.114, 6.1.87, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] hashi cha
nirdvandvo n ... [6.1.114, 6.1.87, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] hashi cha
nityasattvastho n ... [6.1.114, 6.1.87, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] hashi cha
niryogakSHema AtmavAn ... [8.3.17, 8.3.19, 1.3.2, 8.2.66] bho bhago agho apUrvasya yo'shi
bhavArjuna ... [6.1.101] akaHa savarNNe dIrghaHa

Underlying: trEguNNyaviSHayAs vedAs nistrEguNNyas bhava arjuna , nirdvandvas nityasattvasthas niryogakSHemas AtmavAn .


  • Notice that the parser treats three terms as passive past participles in clause A.1 (all composed from 'nirgata:[one who is] freed'), with the comments mentioning the Subject as 'Link_sub_InferredSubj'.
    • The parser assumes that the inferred Subect is the elided term 'NOM-S:tvam:you' (the 2nd Person Singular verb 'bhava:II-S:be' has the implied Subject 'you').
    • However, one could argue that the Subject should be a different inferred Subject 'the one' i.e. ' [you] be [the one] who is freed from ...'. [MM2015][1] does not explicitly describe these terms as participles, but assumes this is the case in the translation.
    • On a different reading (which is the usual way of reading passive past participles), we could have 'freed from desires ... you be.'
    • There is also the semantic possibility of two chronologically different 'yous' i.e. 'the [present] you' vs. 'the [transformed] you'.
  • Clearly, there are some difficult semantic issues here that are well beyond the capabilities of a syntactic parser.

A: trEguNNyaviSHayAHa vedAHa santi nistrEguNNyaHa bhava arjuna nirdvandvaHa nityasattvasthaHa niryogakSHemaHa AtmavAn


  • trEguNNyaviSHayAHa:NOM-P:traya-guNNya-viSHaya (trEguNNyaviSHaya) :Masc.:Noun:samAsa_bahuvrIhi(GEN)
  • vedAHa:NOM-P:veda:Masc.:Noun
  • A.1:

  • nistrEguNNyaHa:NOM-S:nirgata-traya-guNNya (nistrEguNNya) :Masc.:Noun:past_participle_passive_kta_1P_gam:Link_subj_InferredSubj
  • bhava:II-S:bhU:1:P:VerbImperative
  • arjuna:VOC-S:arjuna:Masc.:Noun
  • nirdvandvaHa:NOM-S:nirgata-dvandva (nirdvandva) :Masc.:Noun:past_participle_passive_kta_1P_gam:Link_subj_InferredSubj
  • nityasattvasthaHa:NOM-S:nitya-sattva-sthA (nityasattvastha) :Masc.:Noun:samAsa_upapada
  • niryogakSHemaHa:NOM-S:nirgata-yoga-kSHema (niryogakSHema) :Masc.:Noun:past_participle_passive_kta_1P_gam:Link_subj_InferredSubj
  • AtmavAn:NOM-S:Atmavat:Masc.:Noun

  • References